About Gaius

I am an experienced and accomplished engineering lead delivering high-performance, highly-available infrastructure and line-of-business applications on a solid platform of Unix, Oracle, C++ and Python, tho’ I will happily use any technology if it’s right for the job (and sometimes, even if it’s not). I have worked on trading systems (pricing/risk, capture, matching and execution), grid/cloud/distributed computing and batch processing in investment banking, hedge funds and exchanges.

The initial aim of this blog was to create the documentation and some of the tools and libraries I wish existed as I set out to learn OCaml and Haskell and use them for “real work”. Also the odd rambling comment on the hi-tech industry in general.

The image above is from my suped-up Amiga A500+. That’ll get you 5% in a tight loop.

It is possible you were looking for my diving blog.

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The Caml Language

I'm a Haskeller

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All standard disclaimers apply, you know the drill, I speak only for myself not on behalf of any organization, use at your own risk, etc etc…